
7 Deadly Sin

Been busy lately, so hardly get to blog.... so it is time to write sum gibberish stuff that no 1 really care about. Well not all... sum will be moved and sum will be pissed but who cares?. well here goes... today gibberish is 7 deadly sin... Lust(luxuria), glutton(gula), greed(avaritia), sloth(acedia), wrath(ira), envy(invidia), and pride(superbia). Those in bracket are latin name. Are total opposite of 7 holy virtue... chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility.

We all are govern by 7 deadly sin, but only handful of ppl actually practices holy virtue as it was total nuts! to practice them. Well.... most properly it is not beneficial to anyone at all. Sum will ask, y kept being a good guy? instead of becoming high and mighty person. It doesn't earn u money instead it make u loose them. So wat wrong with that? helping ppl make u happy unless ur sadist. if everyone practices such virtue, the world will be peaceful.

Nah who am i kidding? world peace? dream on.... i hate pathetic bastard who keep saying world peace , world peace.... but had u ever think of the consequence if the world is not at war? Think of this, without war no 1 makes weapon, no 1 improves technologies, no 1 make profit from weapon, everyone lives more than 100 years old, populations explosion, the old had no income, the young nid to fight for jobs as senior is occupying the job all the time, everyone stay at same area for as long as they live, resource will be depleted, more pollutions, oil more expensive, world too cramp for all to live, all animal will be extinct due to over hunting, younger generations know shit about extinct animal, no privacy, and many more. Anymore thing i say , they will most properly kill me.

So wats wrong with virtue and sin? It both cannot exist without each other, the concept of ying and yang applies to all. Without lust there won be chastity, without glutton there won be temperance and so on. So wat the fuss about it? the problem is most pathetic human will gladly cover up everything which is bad, and forged virtue. Therefore it came to conclusion that all human wore a mask. Without EVIL there will be NO GOOD. Evil is a necessities to the world, it takes all kinds to make the world.

Because of Pride, we wore mask known as virtue, because of lust, we forget temperance, because of wrath we lost our temper, because of envy, we lost our sense of virtue, because of sloth, we lost all valuable time, because of glutton, we got fat, because of greed, the world falls in chaos, because of us.... the world is not longer safe.

We all wore a mask for every occasions, but all are to cover the true ugly faces of 7 deadly sins and virtue were quickly used to cover sins too. Because of past sin, we donate to charity to ease our hearts, because of sin, we pretend frigid to ease heart of loves one, because of sin, we pretend to be temperance, and so on..... u get the picture anyway.

Wats so wrong admitting ur bad? Even saint make mistake and commit sins... wat are u thinking? u wan to be god? sorry no can't do. Your a mortal, for god sake. Sum religion will offer to forgive them if they repent sincerely, but since all 7 sin are governing all our daily life it will be impossible to repent sincerely. No 1 could truly say.... i had never sinned..... without conscience it will just be the same, like sum practices . It doesn't matter wat had u commit, wats important is to repair wat u had done, repay those whom u hurt before, cherish those who supported u all these while, forgive all those whom sinned against u. Hope u guys not to be pathetic human who deny everything and practices every single sins. It is ok to be sinned but it is not ok to be lying about it and covering it. everyone makes mistake and we all knows. Those who cannot forgive u are pathetic humans whom thought he/she is god and never needed to repent themselves. Nobody in this world can be freed from sins. if u r out there i will be gladly pass judgment upon ur sinful soul.

sincerely dedicated to troubled frenz.