
True story : Uncommon Abuse

It takes all kind to make the world, and there would be a kind where it seem to cruel and injustice. i won't be surprise that sum bitches would do sum thing like this. Yea u guys out there sure had heard a lot of women abuse, child abuse but how about father/husband abuse? I bet it is the least of the least thing u would heard about. This is the most uncommon 1 i heard around.

The story begins like this, that tramp was older than this dude. This dude was a bit moronic as he is pure and innocent. This tramp was rich to begin with, and her father seriously liked this guy for his honesty and pureness. I met this guys and seriously he is just a moron who pure and innocent to certain extend. Then it is not this dude wishes to marry this tramp as she is older and purely f**ked up. Her attitude is totally unbelievable wait till u heard his story 1st.

Ok then, this man and the tramp was married by blessing of the tramp father. This tramp treat this dude like shit for more than 2 decade. How shitty it was? It was terrible i tell u. At night(after having 2-3 children), the tramp no longer allow him to touch her and the tramp hid a knife/scissor under bed. If he dares to touch her, she promise to make him an eunuch (crastrated man/kembiri-ed) . Ok this was forgivable as she and him wasn't a lover to begin with. Then u know wat the tramp feed this dude? Worst than leftover. It was spoil food and how did i know? Personally went ahead and confirmed it before.

Thats not the worst, they are rich but treated this guy like shit, they give torn clothing to him, make him work like a dog, dun let him spend any money even he earned it himself and worst of all. That tramp teaches all his children to despise him. I personally saw wat the children did to him. Example : the father wave his hand saying goodbye to the child, and u know wat that f**cked up child did? point out the third finger and angrily looking at him. i was like WTF. Seriously u can treat a person worst than a dog? This is outraged to see such a thing happen although there might be worst case out there which is worst, this is so far the worst i seen yet.

Moral of the story? never be f**ked up by being honest person, instead be as evil as u can be. Honesty certainly is the worst policy.


Outcast Loon

Geee.... seriously i think i am an outcast, exiled for life. Thing never been easy for me this life, it never was for anyone. A perfect life is a perfect lies. The more flawless it is, the worst it gets. Behind that shut door, we may never knew wat happen inside.

Different people had different agenda, u had ur needs and i had my needs. Use as u will but do not go overboard. Sometimes the society is scary, u may never know wats coming at ya. Joining it is a big mistake, there will be joy and there will be horror but never once be perfect. Not joining it would a social outcast forever hidden in the closet watching outside. So why fight it when u can join it?

Bcoz it was not easy to join it, life is so miserable when ur alone. I might be hikikomori, or so i thought. Or like a hermit hiding in a cave full of knowledge. There is always choices in life that we may choose to go to that distant or not. It safer to hide than surfaced.


Newton Third law of motion : Chapter Racist

Yes i am a racist but the only difference is.... i admit it. Unlike most people whom say and do the opposite. Race A hate race B and race C hate race A and B. So wat wrong of admitting it? Yea every single fiber of ur well being lol. If yer publicly announce that ur a racist, u got smack by other racist. Yeap pretty darn rite i guess.

It took a racist to recognize a racist, and why so? Simple if u hate a racist ur turning into a racist too. For example, race A hate race B and following Newton third law of motions, every action is equal and opposite of reactions. Therefore to be hated is to hate.

And if u still arguing that ur not a racist to hate a racist then think of this, if u were marginalize by some race and they throw hurtful words at ya and u still not angry then ur not a a racist but if u did get racist then u will hate their comment. wat their mouth say is just words and it can be ignored but instead u choose to listen and got angry and grudge against them. and u start the racist war with another racist. Wat the different between u and racist?


Lucky day.... lucky to be alive

Really lucky yesterday coz i almost died in an accident and almost forgot of the incident. Yesterday i receive a triple threat incident where suddenly a car reversed in front of me after the lorry past by, i was at a T junction and trying to go into the right side junctions. There was no car insight before the lorry passby and i tot i can straight go in after the lorry but i was darned wrong. As i turned into that junctions there was a car in front of me reversed into the main road and blocked me from entering into that junctions and there is also fast car coming straight to my left side now after i turn and also a van following me behind also trying to go into the junction and being the unlawful malaysian he din follow the white line and cross as my right side after i turned mean he followed by behind but side way. So i was stuck in front by the reversed car, there is fast car coming from my left side and a van to my rite side. In blink of an eye, my body reacted in a swift reactions so fast that i couldn't recall how and why i did that sudden turn to my right side and and pressed on accelerator and rushed to the reserved car side and entered the junctions. Now that i remember the incident i was shocked by my lightning reflexes. I din even know how i did it. And thanks to it i am still alive.