
When every1 is right, every1 is wrong

Had this thought ever occur to u? when wat he/she say is right and wat u say is right too. But in fact both are wrong at the same time. Confuse? u better be else i waste time writing this out.
Why would i say both is right and wrong at the same time? Simple, both of u think ur right and both of the u think the opposite side is wrong. Thus, making u both right and wrong at the same time.
Well to everyone, most of the time they never accept other's thought. Wat might concern u does not concern him/her. wat her concern does not concern u. To put it simple, thing doesn't goes both ways to individual.
In fact everything goes everywhere. Who said they are absolutely right? Yea at least until proven wrong. In this world nothings is absolute. Things change in the blink of an eye. Little example would be, thing can be viewed in other ways. If ur negative u call half filled cup as half empty, and if ur positive u call it half full.
Different ppl had different perception, not everyone is RIGHT nor WRONG.

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