
I am BACK!

HI everybody, it is been a long time since i last blog, weeeee i just got ma new phone on this week monday, Blackberry bold 9000. It is seriously 1 heck of powerful phone. I never imagine this baby can do so much of stuff. A phone that could do so much geeky stuff is really my thang! Voice command using vlingo, tethering it as wireless modem, remote ssh into server, surf the internet, blog on it, great for messenger fanatic, iskoot for skype user, push mail , internet radio, flycast is 1 heck of radio which allow u to record music offered in radio stations and listen back to it anytime u wan, gps navigations and so much more. The perfect geek phone around! Entertainment was great too! video are crispy and clear, small screen but dam clear. The premium headset is nice too had nice bass and treble.


Best selling point, worst feeling

It one of my best selling point yet my worst kinda feeling. I do not condemn people whom prefer to use other but recently i felt emptied. It like like when ever those u know who are u person find me it is all about using me like a tools. And no.... i am not smarter nor dumber i am just normal person. Then why me everytime? U imbecile just lazy to find sources and ask me to do instead. Feeling needed is a good feeling yet another type of betrayal. Y betrayal? It is as if ur being used like an item and throw away once the usage is finished. Zzzz...... altho i dun deny i use sum ppl like tat too haha.


Why diet never works for anyone

According to discovery channel, anyone whom diet and lost 100 pound they will regain it within 5 years. This is due to the body is confuse between famine and diet. When we diet, it is telling the body that we are experiencing famine, and our defensive mechanism fights back by releasing Ghrelin, a type of hungry hormone to improve appetite. This defensive mechanism is a fail safe just in case if anyone whom wanted to starve them self to death. Therefore dieting never works in the long run unless with determination and discipline. Therefore most doctor do not ask obese people to diet instead they ask them to change their lifestyle. Every person body is differ from another and there is no single cure for all. For some just change their eating habit would just cut it, for some exercising helps bringing it down and some just move around more would have just cut it.


It sux to be a good guy

Had u ever wondered y would it be sux to be a good person? Totally everything. It is just that it is tired to be used by other and not getting back wat u deserves. Yeap this is how life works. Every naive good guy would think that when effort is given then they will be rewarded. Totally bogus!! No matter how many effort u pour into sumthing, it may not bloom as u think. It is as if u plant a field of vegetable, but all of them eaten by caterpillar and stuff. It is as if sumthing pounded upon the stupid head of these guys by their parent and fairytale. And hey if i ever had son or daughter i would teach them to be evil! Good guy finish 1st, they say it is becoz they did good thing in previous life they had to die early. Weeeeeeeeeeee....... hey everyone u shud start to be evil now else next life sux.

It is total wuss to be a good person, no wonder my life still sux till now.

ps. i am not emo-ing just dun see any hope in life no more. End of story.


Final Frontier For FYP

It been a hectic battle that i face, it seem that the light had left me, no longer shine, no longer alive, all i can see is just a glimpse of light from within a tunnel. Reaching it was impossible, i ran toward it, but it seem without end. Tell me, that i still alive. Dun tell me if i am dying, coz i dun wan to know. All seem to be lost, but there is always a glimpse of light no matter how far and endless it might seen, with determinations and the will of fire, everything is possible. No dream goes shatter without a fight. FIGHT ON. BURN!!!! MY FLAME OF GLORY.


Unfortunate Event

The boundary of fragile mind are just so thin that it barely able to withstand hard ship in life, it pierce my heart how bad thing happened to my dearest frenz. Altho it was it's fault to begin with, meddling with frenz knew from the internet. Got drunk and sumthing bad happened. Alot people went thru such unfortunate event but lifes still goes on and on. Wat can i do to help? in this kind of situations only he or her self can help them self. It is out of my boundaries, wat happen had happened. Only thing i can say is take care and the rest is up to them to decide. let the lord be merciful on he / her soul.


personality test

got nothing better to do, went to cyrus blog and found this so here is the result

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.


Medical Journal : FYP syndrome

Recent study had found that university student had been found infected with a disease commonly known as FYP syndrome. These disease is deadly if not threated with proper medical therapy. Early symptom of this infectious disease are found as followed:
1.Emotional (depression, nausea , self-discriminations, low self esteem and etc)
3. Absent minded
4. Temporary Amnesia

Known treatment for these disease are as followed :
1. Time management (quickly do finish, quickly cure lo)
2. Hire gun (ask ppl do for u mai no nid fan lor)
3. If found stuck and unable to do anything, quickly change title and work harder.
4. Make supervisor/advisor happy
5. SUICIDE (not recommended by doctor nor blogger owner)


MIsguided Creature

Human are one of those creature where often misguided by sense of inner self adjusting mechanism and words of trusted ones. In this world there ain't suppose who's wrong or rite. Often is judged upon the self adjusting mechanism, sumtimes with sense of twist and turns. Like old chinese saying that goes "公说公有理,婆说婆有理,有理说不清" which mean directly old man word had it's rationality, old women word had it's rationality too, even got rationality it is unable to clear up.

Justice! Moral! and Ethic!. These are the inner self adjusting mechanism. These are often based upon who threatened the basic right of one. Example like Whom killed whose family member must be brought to justice, but is it rite to punish other with the same punishment he did for other? it is weird to punish 1 with the same thing he did. Violence are then treated with violence? How stupid can this be? U banish violence with violence? Is this how u shud be? Violent only lead to more violent and the cycle keeps on going, u kill my family, i kill ur family. When will it end? Whats worst is when stupid misleading frenz keep on telling u that is rite to use violent to end violent but it never end.

No 1 can judge 1 another. But we did.


Live ur life

It is funny how 2 unrelated thing came to be related, no matter wat u do. These thing had relationship which none can comprehend. Came to think of it, it is miracle that u meet sum 1 even as normal frenz. Like wat old Chinese phrases said "百世修来同渡船,千世修来共枕眠" mean 100 lifetime only can sit together in a boat, 1000 lifetime only can sleep together.

It is once wrong forever is wrong? Once bitten by snake, forever afraid of grass? We been thru alot of lifetime and deeds just to be coincidently met and became frenz even lover. Just bcoz of small misunderstanding then forever avoid each other?

It bother me how bad it feelz when ppl take relationship for granted. It just break like it is nothing but piece of crap. I know everyone tolerance had it's limit but hatred for sum1 had time limit too. It hurtz just to c how bad sum fren's relationship turns to be sour. So live ur life and learn to let go. Everything can be solved as long as u had heart and will to do it.


letting go.... hardest thing to do

Sumtimes letting go is the hardest thing to do. Everyone is selfish, every actions had equal and opposite reactions. By being selfish, we won let go of sumthing. Sum won let go of hatred, sum won let go of love and sum won let go of wealth. There are many things in my life that i dun wan to let go, well.... no matter how unwilling i am. I nid to let it go.

But sum ppl are just retard to keep hatred in their heart, it is like stabbing a spike into their own heart and unwillingly pull it out. It is even more retarded when u did the same thing and advise ppl not to. All matter are small thing but it turns out to be biggies.

Why make things complicated? when it is just so simple? go fix it la retard!