
MIsguided Creature

Human are one of those creature where often misguided by sense of inner self adjusting mechanism and words of trusted ones. In this world there ain't suppose who's wrong or rite. Often is judged upon the self adjusting mechanism, sumtimes with sense of twist and turns. Like old chinese saying that goes "公说公有理,婆说婆有理,有理说不清" which mean directly old man word had it's rationality, old women word had it's rationality too, even got rationality it is unable to clear up.

Justice! Moral! and Ethic!. These are the inner self adjusting mechanism. These are often based upon who threatened the basic right of one. Example like Whom killed whose family member must be brought to justice, but is it rite to punish other with the same punishment he did for other? it is weird to punish 1 with the same thing he did. Violence are then treated with violence? How stupid can this be? U banish violence with violence? Is this how u shud be? Violent only lead to more violent and the cycle keeps on going, u kill my family, i kill ur family. When will it end? Whats worst is when stupid misleading frenz keep on telling u that is rite to use violent to end violent but it never end.

No 1 can judge 1 another. But we did.

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