
Medical Journal : FYP syndrome

Recent study had found that university student had been found infected with a disease commonly known as FYP syndrome. These disease is deadly if not threated with proper medical therapy. Early symptom of this infectious disease are found as followed:
1.Emotional (depression, nausea , self-discriminations, low self esteem and etc)
3. Absent minded
4. Temporary Amnesia

Known treatment for these disease are as followed :
1. Time management (quickly do finish, quickly cure lo)
2. Hire gun (ask ppl do for u mai no nid fan lor)
3. If found stuck and unable to do anything, quickly change title and work harder.
4. Make supervisor/advisor happy
5. SUICIDE (not recommended by doctor nor blogger owner)


MIsguided Creature

Human are one of those creature where often misguided by sense of inner self adjusting mechanism and words of trusted ones. In this world there ain't suppose who's wrong or rite. Often is judged upon the self adjusting mechanism, sumtimes with sense of twist and turns. Like old chinese saying that goes "公说公有理,婆说婆有理,有理说不清" which mean directly old man word had it's rationality, old women word had it's rationality too, even got rationality it is unable to clear up.

Justice! Moral! and Ethic!. These are the inner self adjusting mechanism. These are often based upon who threatened the basic right of one. Example like Whom killed whose family member must be brought to justice, but is it rite to punish other with the same punishment he did for other? it is weird to punish 1 with the same thing he did. Violence are then treated with violence? How stupid can this be? U banish violence with violence? Is this how u shud be? Violent only lead to more violent and the cycle keeps on going, u kill my family, i kill ur family. When will it end? Whats worst is when stupid misleading frenz keep on telling u that is rite to use violent to end violent but it never end.

No 1 can judge 1 another. But we did.


Live ur life

It is funny how 2 unrelated thing came to be related, no matter wat u do. These thing had relationship which none can comprehend. Came to think of it, it is miracle that u meet sum 1 even as normal frenz. Like wat old Chinese phrases said "百世修来同渡船,千世修来共枕眠" mean 100 lifetime only can sit together in a boat, 1000 lifetime only can sleep together.

It is once wrong forever is wrong? Once bitten by snake, forever afraid of grass? We been thru alot of lifetime and deeds just to be coincidently met and became frenz even lover. Just bcoz of small misunderstanding then forever avoid each other?

It bother me how bad it feelz when ppl take relationship for granted. It just break like it is nothing but piece of crap. I know everyone tolerance had it's limit but hatred for sum1 had time limit too. It hurtz just to c how bad sum fren's relationship turns to be sour. So live ur life and learn to let go. Everything can be solved as long as u had heart and will to do it.


letting go.... hardest thing to do

Sumtimes letting go is the hardest thing to do. Everyone is selfish, every actions had equal and opposite reactions. By being selfish, we won let go of sumthing. Sum won let go of hatred, sum won let go of love and sum won let go of wealth. There are many things in my life that i dun wan to let go, well.... no matter how unwilling i am. I nid to let it go.

But sum ppl are just retard to keep hatred in their heart, it is like stabbing a spike into their own heart and unwillingly pull it out. It is even more retarded when u did the same thing and advise ppl not to. All matter are small thing but it turns out to be biggies.

Why make things complicated? when it is just so simple? go fix it la retard!