
Live ur life

It is funny how 2 unrelated thing came to be related, no matter wat u do. These thing had relationship which none can comprehend. Came to think of it, it is miracle that u meet sum 1 even as normal frenz. Like wat old Chinese phrases said "百世修来同渡船,千世修来共枕眠" mean 100 lifetime only can sit together in a boat, 1000 lifetime only can sleep together.

It is once wrong forever is wrong? Once bitten by snake, forever afraid of grass? We been thru alot of lifetime and deeds just to be coincidently met and became frenz even lover. Just bcoz of small misunderstanding then forever avoid each other?

It bother me how bad it feelz when ppl take relationship for granted. It just break like it is nothing but piece of crap. I know everyone tolerance had it's limit but hatred for sum1 had time limit too. It hurtz just to c how bad sum fren's relationship turns to be sour. So live ur life and learn to let go. Everything can be solved as long as u had heart and will to do it.