
lil word for streamyx

I am at my limit,
no more gimmick,
still using streamyx,
going to screamyx.


“人心隔肚皮“ a Chinese phrase describing heart is secluded within the body which mean it is hard to see through sum1 desire/thinking/heart. I din know wat did i do to deserve this, either he is truly evil or just being ignorant. I know the answer before asking him about it and he say he knew nothing of it. Wow.... this guy is just... pretentious, he know of an important information but he secluded it. Telling me knowing nothing of it. And how i know he is not telling me? Simple i asked another frenz before asking him and i confirmed that it is he tat told that frenz. Wat the hell? ok i know i not a close frenz to him but i din offended him b4 or maybe i did but i just dun realize it. zzzz...... hard to carefully know ppl liao this kind of ppl shud be avoided at all cost.


Why i am so timid?

Why are thee so timid,
When life is so vivid,
none shall be frigid,
it make life void.


What is rite and wat is wrong?

ahh.... nothing is rite or wrong, it is just how ur perception of how things works. No 1 really wrong nor no 1 really rite. When ur almighty and powerful ur always rite and other is always wrong. When people make u think ur wrong then ur wrong. If u think ur rite then ur rite. Simple as that. But it makes me wonder.... y sum ppl can just pretend nothing happens. Hmm..... unfortunately i forget awful alot of things in seconds, but there are sum particularly cannot forget. Am i holding grudge? or i just looking for sumthing else? i dunno the answer. Well gotta find it myself la. tata.....


Filial Son

Am i 1 or not.... dun think so............ i know it is our responsibility to be filial to our parents. Yet i felt like i am not doing enuff, some people might think shower their parents with money and gift, it is call filial but i think parents rather see-ing their son/daughter more often rather than getting money and be lonely. Although they will be happy for ur success and happiness. And human will always be human, they never get satisfied with their demand so even ur parent dun ask for it. Stay home eat with them, laugh a bit, and share your daily life ruckus. There won be much time left, do it before you regret it.


Weee @v@ crazy day....

gila adi ... post 4 post in 1 shot.....

Annoying Bunch

gee.... i think i offended awful a lot of ppl with my prickly words.... altho sum say i getting less annoying lately but still kinda annoying.... lol seriously..... i think i got this gene from my dad.... his word is not prickly but SPIKY and deadly..... seriously y the i hell i talk bad about him? coz he give me bad gene.... geee....... but i did inherited sum good gene as well... his brilliants .... he never study b4 and yet know bunch of stuff (experience) and he just like me enjoy a good show of documentaries and war and politics..... i cannot compare my self to powerful geeks like bookworms... but i can say that i am very knowledgeable and know wide range of things. but all these thing cannot compensate the stupidity i had..... which is never able to be fake....... i mean adaptive haha.....

Life SUX

err.... shame to say but i am a failure.... hoho..... yes i admit i fails to be a human beings.... human being is all about forgery.... fake identity.... fake boobs ..... fake personality...... fake everything la..... but i cannot fake everything argghh.... i am who i am... to change is to fake...... to fake is jsut an adaptive process of fitting in..... even my own family told me to be "fake". Argghh... this world is just utmost ugly.... my older family member had been working for too long and forget wat is it like to be pure and innocent.... u know wat they taught me? this is no laughing matter and it still sux to know it.... they told me "when ppl treat u eat and ask u is it nice with the food, u cannot say ok la, so so lo and etc. u must react in a happy way and say nice comment". wat the.... i know la out of courtesy u shud say nice.... but isn't it all fake? imagine everyone in this world lying about everything and masking everything... isn't that scary? if power was given to me, i will change this world but it is no longer the world i know, this world is harsh and full of obstacle..... that is y we always improve and developed..... so wats is wrong with being urself? absolutely everything, u cannot be ur self, u can only be an impressive image u wanna ppl think u r. Pathetic bastard. i still wanna be myself....


when sumthing awful happens, it always make ppl think in a curvy lines.... they dun think straight at all, "旁观者清,当局者迷". it means when u r in that situations u always forget the basic of understanding the situations, u will lost in ur thought of revenge instead of thinking clearly wat is happening here? and other ppl whom is outside of the conflict do think clearly and try to find out wat is happening. But dun get me wrong ppl outside the conflict can be culled into the situations as well. Like sum1 i know.... they won know it they just blurred by anger and wrath.... ppl heart is hard to predict, there is always more than 2 version of story when it spread out. Ppl like to mix match their version of story as their level of understanding and their mentality is different so cannot be blame. Gossips is half true and all fake there is too much contaminant in their story. In life there is no fairness only power and evil prevails.... if ur smart and evil, thats make u dangerous. That is wat i lack of .... evilness..... my heart is pure and innocent to a certain degree la of coz, i not saint ok? even saint also not perfect ah.....

Gloomy dayz...

no idea y.... so sad......... maybe coz i did sumthing i regret...... wat ppl say is true after all.... when u did sumthing good, u never get it back.... well i know of this and i dun really wan it to return any favour.... but still i help out..... but in the end i got hurtful comment instead.... i never got this kind of depress b4 so i kinda felta gonna expressa this stupid feeling..... few day had pass tho but still it lingers on.... like sum prick sticking on my heart.... and no idea y i still feel it still..... ppl always tell fairy tales of how u will be rewarded when u did good deed.... but fairy tale is totally crap there is no happy ending to anything at all except fairy tales....... this thought is torturing..... and i feel like crap now.... argghh.... i hope this stupida feelinga gonna vanisha........ zzzz may god release my torment.....